Album: Sam's Seafood, R.I.P. 2006 Truely a Tiki haven! Sam's has a Polynesian revue weekly. But my favorite part has to be the 'postwar' feeling of Sam's; from the newspaper articles on the wall to the Mural in the bar, Sam's reflects the memories of our boys in the South Seas. It represents a moment in time. The bar, is unbelievable, and the hidden village, not to be missed. Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 37 items Viewed: 6343 times.
Album: Tiki- Ti Amazing mixology and Tiki Central friends took precedence over good photography- although we may receive a few more pix at a later date. Tiki-Ti is the pilgrimage that must be undertaken at least once in every Tikiphiles life ;-) as this is where genuine mixology lives on. As I told Oaktiki- the Tiki-Ti was worth every mile it took to get there! Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 4 items Viewed: 2484 times.
Album: Bahooka A twisting turning maze of tropical fish and exotic drinks await you! Bahooka is marine salvage taken to culinary delights. From the moment you walk in the door and are greeted by the massive Tiki, to the soft Hawai'ian music, Bahooka, in its windowless wonder, delights! Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 26 items Viewed: 2633 times.
Album: The Lucky Tiki- an enchanted drinking room! The Lucky Tiki in Mission Hills. As a stop on the California Coastal Crawl, we met up with a posse of Tikiphiles and had an enchanted evening! As it was Sunday night, D.J. Lee was spinning Exotica, so the atmosphere was complete! Last change: 06/07/05
Contains: 37 items Viewed: 5196 times.
Album: Purple Orchid, El Segundo, CA It all began as they "...always wanted a Tiki bar...". The Purple Orchid is Rebecca and Dave's Tiki dream come true; a friendly Tiki haven!
Most of the pictures we took are in the main bar area, but there is another room with pool tables- covered in purple felt, of course. And no visit to the Purple Orchid could be complete with a perusal of the bathrooms- wallpapered WITH pages from the "Book of Tiki". The Purple Orchid's signature mugs are a purple treat as well! Last change: 06/10/05
Contains: 12 items Viewed: 2653 times.
Album: Oceanic Arts, Whittier, CA The source. The mecca. The Tiki GODS! Leroy Schmaltz and Bob Van Oosting are THE origin of so much of what was and what remains- and what remains to be built! They are the GODS who carve, create, import and supply so much of what we know and love. Raise a Mai Tai to the one, the only, Oceanic Arts! Last change: 07/16/05
Contains: 3 items Viewed: 2409 times.
Album: Tiki Adult Theater, LA CA What can I say? Tiki and Wahines. Truely a landmark. Last change: 07/16/05
Contains: 2 items Viewed: 2934 times.
Album: Tropics Motel- Anaheim, CA Another of the former Ken Kimes chain of tropical hotels (see Caliente Tropics in Palm Springs for the best surviving example. No Tikis in evidence. And the sign was saddly missing it's "P".
Last change: 08/01/05
Contains: 4 items Viewed: 2703 times.