The Eden Roc compare this end of the building to the eariler "Chateau Bleu" gallery. Also take a look at the angled glass on the side of the office! And yes, that is a fore sale sign in the window.
Viewed: 2777 times.
The signature font, in pink no less, close if not the same to other Eden Rocs in Miami Beach and Ocean City Maryland.
Viewed: 2607 times.
Looking down the right side of the office, and yes, you can see another Tiki hotel in the background, the Ala Moana.
Viewed: 2508 times.
Another of those really symbolic pictures I managed to get due to the time of day and the sunlight, here you see BEIGE condos from hell reflected in the office window of the Eden Roc. The mid-century illusion is broken because when you look up from the pool, or out your window now you see the driving force that's chewing up and spitting out the 'going back in time' Wildwoods so many come here for.
Viewed: 2574 times.
A really clear picture of the angle on those windows, looking out on the pool. Musta been really something before code required the fences around the pools.
Viewed: 2600 times.
Unlike the Chateau Bleu the detail under the roof overhang is absent, but there are those bubble lights again.
Viewed: 2513 times.
This wonderful cantilevered end knocked my socks off! Love it!
Viewed: 2826 times.
Here you can see Palmus plasticus wildwoodii in the foreground and where the poolside furniture gets stored in winter through the upstairs window.
Viewed: 2644 times.
The decorative cement block alongside the brick alongside that color scheme is just surreal. Only in Wildwood could this work!
Viewed: 2521 times.
If the Eden Rocs were ever a chain was this a motto? Or is it more recent?
Viewed: 2519 times.
Unfortunately, lurking just beyond that cantilevered end of the building BEIGE lies in wait.
Viewed: 2613 times.
Looking towards the beach, if I tilt the camera just past the Beige neighbors you can still catch a glimpse of the way so many of these places once felt...
Viewed: 2534 times.
...but if I pan just a little left, you immediately see the huge ugly monstrocity we first caught a glimpse of in the Eden Roc's office window.
Viewed: 2411 times.
It's hard to maintain the illusion when everytime you look up it's Beige built on spec reminding the Eden Roc that barring real effort to preserve history, its days are numbered.
Viewed: 2569 times.
Look right, or even behind the Eden Roc and you begin to feel surrounded, cut off from context.
Viewed: 2527 times.
Across the street we see more, 'Slate, the next Beige." The sun is indeed setting on Eden.
Viewed: 2501 times.
Here, looking across the side we can see another wonderful floating cantilever, and sure enough, more crap built on spec to the rear.
Viewed: 2481 times.
I ask of you, on a sultry summer neon night can Beige hold a candle to this?
Viewed: 2526 times.
I love the big windows, it may be cut off, an artifact in a sea of Beige, but now more than ever it shows architecture doesn't have to be bland. Places like the Eden Roc are the heart and soul of the Wildwoods.
Viewed: 2568 times.
The saga of places with a past and a mom and pop industry all comes down to little signs like this. Owners age and see a means to get large amounts of money for what they've worked on for decades, and selling it to anyone who wants to keep it a hotel doesn't get the owners the retirement money they need and see everyone who sells out around them get. It's a vicious cycle, if you want to maintain it, you can't afford it, only developers can- to tear it down. Although the loss is a loss to all of us, to history and to the place itself, it all comes down to individual economic realities.
Viewed: 2844 times.